Joshua 5 & 6
There are two different stories that are here that are connected here in the book of Joshua that we will be tackling this week.
Chapter 5
The first one is the account of the second circumcision of the people Hebrew people. The two places in scripture that would be used to further reveal the spiritual and even physical significance of this are Deuteronomy 10:12-22 and Genesis 17:1-14.
In Genesis 17 we have the Abrahamic covenant. Here we see God making a covenant with Abraham that has three distinct places or relevance to this story.
-God promises Abraham, he will greatly multiply him and make nations out of him
-His offspring will take the land of Cannan
-They ought to keep circumcision as a sign of the promise of God
When we get to Joshua 5, we see that Joshua is recognizing that God has kept his end of the Abrahamic Covenant, the number of descendants has become great, and the people are beginning to take the land of Canaan. Therefore, Joshua upholds the righteousness of the people and commands them to fulfill their part by bearing the sign of the covenant given to Abraham. This is why it is important that this passage is here because it shows that the people are aware that their taking of the land of Canaan is fully the works and acts of God alone.
Deuteronomy 10 is also helpful because it shows us the end goal of circumcision being that of the heart and not just a physical event. We see this being further supported in Joshua 5:9 where the end result of the mass circumcision is the removal of reproach of the people.
Take aways form chapter 5
-Are there places where we have seen God be faithful to us despite our disobedience?
-What are step we can take or ways we can live lives that honor the works God has done in our lives?
Chapter 6
As for chapter 6 it is much more straight forward and for the most part can be completely understood within the book of Joshua. There are two things that are taking place; God is giving the people the city of Jericho, but they have to take it in a way that is very unconventional way, and that God is honoring the promise the spies made to Rahab.
Take aways from chapters six would be
-Obedience often results in lives that do not look normal by the worldly standards
-No matter our background or origins we all stand just one commitment away from salvation. God can overcome all sins and situations we might be stuck in no matter how daunting they may be to us. Just as Rahab was saved from destruction, so can we be saved.