Maria Walks Amid The Thorn
This beautiful German advent song was written by an anonymous author around
1850, though its origins point back to the 16th century. The first three stanzas
describe the walk of Mary with the child “beneath her heart” and finishes by meditating
on the mystery of the Incarnation of God. Each verse contains the Greek
phrase “Kyrie eleison”, which means “Lord, have mercy”. I first heard this song,
sent to me by Naomi, while traveling home from my brother-in-law’s memorial
service in November. I was immediately drawn to its sweet and mournful melody,
and the refrain of “Lord, have mercy” speaks to my personal journey during this
season of lament, coupled with hope. The Incarnation of Jesus brings such hope,
and I am blessed to join in song with my daughter and sisters in Christ as we bring
this carol to you.