Lead Me, Lord

Feb 24, 2024

Performed by Michelle Gillespie, Kimberly, Kailyn, and Nicholas Vruggink, vocals; Bolat Zhusupov, vocals and dombra (recording), Saule Mukasheva, translation consultant


From Michelle: After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, citizens of Kazakhstan had greater access to the gospel, and many came to faith. This worship song was written during that time, although the author is unknown. It is in a typical Kazakh style— insistent, poignant, free as a horse galloping across the steppe. Hallmarks

of the Kazakh church are their profound gratitude and their passion for the salvation of family members. Michelle served in Kazakhstan from 2005-2019. This song is presented with the support of her family (who learned Kazakh for this performance!). Bolat Zhusupov, who is featured in the video, is a former ministry partner. Friend and Kazakh language coach, Saule Mukasheva helped with the English translation. The video uses horses, which are highly valued in the Kazakh culture, to illustrate spiritual truths.