Jesus Loves the Children of the World Medley

Feb 24, 2024

Performed by Andrea Sandefur, Ella Hopkins, Gabe Miley, Kailin Vruggink, Kim Hopkins, and Leila Barker, vocals and ukulele; Joseph Rodgers, djembe


From Leila Barker: All over the world, children love to sing. Not too long ago, Tom and I visited a remote mission village in the Philippines. The new church met under a big mango tree, no roof (the tarp was blown away by a strong wind), no walls, dirt floor, with makeshift bamboo benches. After the opening prayer, we started singing, and the children started to come and they joined in the singing. There was much joy in their voices. Worship was beautiful that day.

In Guatemala, our church helped provide 10 ukuleles to the children of Cristo Redentor Church in Los Chilitos. During our visits, each Sunday and each Wednesday worship, around 30-40 children wait for their turn. Each group plays the ukulele and sings 3-4 songs for JESUS. They are all so happy singing together.

In Luke 8:16 the LORD JESUS said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.” It is a joy to see children singing about the LORD JESUS all over the world, in different languages. Here at WBC, our own children already share their love for music by serving at WBC Kids’ worship and with WBC Littles. We thought we would share a few of those songs. Be ready, some are in other languages!