Behold Our God
Oct 14, 2023
Performed by Kim and Ella Hopkins, Jane Keller, and Maya Sandefur, Anne Renee Gumley, Naomi Stamoolis, LaRae Lacrosse, and Marianne Wick, Willy and Nathan Shelton and Andrea Sandefur, tenor Joel Stamoolis and Ken Allen, bass
From Andrea: The glory of our God is beyond comprehension, and passages like Ezekiel’s description in the opening chapter of his book deepen my wonder and awe. Trying to wrap my head around His glory leaves me asking more questions and leads me into worship. What a joy it is to join our voices in praise as we share this song full of questions…questions that find their answer in Jesus, our King. (“Behold Our God”, by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, Stephen Altrogge; arranged by Andrea Sandefur)