Gospel Medley

Oct 14, 2023

Performed by Oliver Shanigan, Gabe Miley, Jeremiah & Jace Goertzen, Tom Barker, Joe, Eli, and Caleb Buist, Joel Stamoolis, Phil Evans, Ken Allen, Willy Shelton, and Marilyn White


“Redeemed” reminds us that God’s glory enters, changes us, and begins our sanctification when we commit to and pursue a life with Jesus. In “Still, Still with Thee,” we celebrate the truth that God’s glory will remain with us and be clearer when we graduate to heaven, seeing Him face to face. (“Redeemed”, by Fanny Crosby and William Kirkpatrick; “Still, Still with Thee”, by Harriet Beecher Stowe and Felix Mendelssohn)