Rejoicing with Rapt Attention
As we walk through our lives, we are told in scripture to rejoice in all things, to pray without ceasing, to stand firm. We cannot do this by ourselves. It is possible because the Holy Spirit—the one Jesus left within us to remind us, to teach us, to lead us into truth—gives us power. The community of believers, our family, encourages us and strengthens us to that end. The joy that abides, endures with patient acceptance, fills us with happiness every time we are aware of His presence—even in the little things. So, these everyday occurrences in my awareness of God’s presence serve to remind me of who He is and that He has a plan for me, is using me, and will continue to do so for His glory, not mine. And I have peace and confidence in the future, no matter. So, given all of that, we fill our ears, our eyes, our minds, our hearts with His strengthen our give glory to God and watch. Rejoicing...