Psalm 26

Psalm 26 is not a self-righteous boast, but a prayer for vindication (26:1) and redemption (26:11). Looking to God's steadfast love, David asks God to take into account his integrity, trust, witness, and delight in God. For the worshiper, Psalm 26 gives a picture of what the ideal covenant participant should look like, an ideal that Jesus perfectly fulfilled.

To sing Psalm 26 we set lyrics from The Book of Psalms for Worship (©2009 Crown and Covenant) and Sing Psalms (©2003 Free Church of Scotland) to an original melody.

This recording features Joel Stamoolis on vocals and bass, Sean Tracy on guitar, Anne-Renee Gumley on piano, Maggie Chapman on flute, Yvonne Veenstra on violin, and Ruth Hogle on cello.